UI/UX Designer
Product Designer at Asset Money
Product Designer at Fountane
Product Designer at NextLeap
Masters at UNSW
Design Consultant
Product Designer at Swipe Pages
UI/UX Intern at AimWiser
Communication Designer at Razorpay
BBA at Nexford University
Head of Sales and BD at Sumfactor
Product Designer at EventBeep
Visual & Product Designer at Rocketlane
Product Designer at Ingenious Tribe
Product Designer at Hike
UI/UX Designer at StepSetGo
Product Designer
Product Designer at NFT Labs
Motion Graphics Designer at Huumanize
Product Designer at Wint Wealth
Founder and CDO at Xflow
Product Designer at Olvy
Product Designer at Shapiens
UI/UX Designer at Rejolut
Product Designer at Bitespeed
Product Designer at Procol
UX Designer at HCL America